At Sipification, we go above and beyond to provide exceptional value to our customers who utilize our Local Presence services, particularly our Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number feature. We take pride in offering more than just a local presence – we ensure that our customers' calls are automatically signed for STIR/SHAKEN attestation. This advanced authentication framework enhances call trustworthiness and helps our customers make more successful connections compared to other termination services.

By implementing STIR/SHAKEN attestation on our Local Presence services, we address the growing concern of caller ID spoofing and fraudulent activities in the telecommunications industry. With this technology, our customers' calls are authenticated and digitally signed, providing an additional layer of verification and trust. This verification process not only improves call delivery rates but also enhances the overall caller experience.

Furthermore, the STIR/SHAKEN attestation on our Local Presence services helps our customers overcome potential call blocking or labeling by carriers or call screening applications. Calls signed with STIR/SHAKEN are more likely to be recognized as legitimate and are given higher priority in the call routing process. This ensures that our customers' calls have a better chance of reaching their intended recipients and making meaningful connections.

By leveraging our Local Presence services and benefiting from STIR/SHAKEN attestation, our customers can establish a strong local presence, gain trust and credibility with their target audience, and ultimately achieve higher call connection rates. We are committed to providing the most reliable and effective termination services in the industry, and our combination of local presence and STIR/SHAKEN attestation sets us apart from other providers.

At Sipification, we continuously strive to offer cutting-edge solutions that not only meet our customers' needs but also exceed their expectations. Our Local Presence services with automatic STIR/SHAKEN attestation give our customers a competitive edge, ensuring that their calls are trusted, recognized, and prioritized for successful connections. Join us and experience the difference that our Local Presence services can make in your communication efforts.

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